September 10, 2009

What I learned tonight....

  • Don't try to make cake pops for the first time starting at 10:30pm.
  • When the 'dipping' part doesn't start till midnight we have a major problem.
  • They are not going to turn out cute enough to take as snack for your son's class to celebrate his birthday.
  • Thank goodness you can run to the grocery store in the morning to grab a fast substitute!
  • I've got lots of little cake balls in my fridge... I'll try again... earlier in the day when I'm not so tired :)


Doris said...

I want to see what they looked like. No pictures??

Tabby said...

lol. Now you have a midnight snack ready for you in the freezer!

Amber said...

I've been wanting to make those. My sis in law makes them. I want to try the kind that are crushed up oreos w/ cream cheese then dipped.

Mmmm, my butt grew just typing that!

Stacia said...

sorry no pictures... i started to but was so unhappy with the results i didn't want to post. (they actually looked was the texture of the cake that was gross'n me out!)
They are way too mushy!! The crushed up oreos sound really good, crunchier...

Dawn said...

Ummm...What are cake pops? I really need to know!

Carrie said...

Yeah, what are cake pops?