June 12, 2010

CMJ part 2

So here are more pictures from Collin’s arrival.

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My dad brought Hailey and Jack to meet him about 20min after he was born. They came barreling in the room so excited and ready to see this baby that mommy had been telling them about for the past 9 months.  Sometimes I don’t think they believed he was ever going to get here!    

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Fun little tid-bit about my three kids:  All of them were born on a Monday… and the day after an American day of remembrance.  Hailey-- Dec. 8th (day after Pearl Harbor Day) Jack-- Sept. 12th (Day after 9-11) and now Collin—June 7th (day after D-Day, invasion on Normandy)    Weird Huh?!?

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About an hour later it was time for Collin to head to the nursery for his bath.  The kids and my dad and Darren went with him.


It must be 90* in those nurseries… I love how they get all stretched out when they are warm and toasty!


Collin loves his hands and tries so very hard to sooth himself with them.  He has found his thumb a few times on his own.  Trying to keep him swaddled is a joke right now!

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We keep trying the paci too

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Susan said...

He's a cutie! I love seeing all the pics, thanks for posting. I know what you mean by wanting to hold him all the time. It's all I did with Brandon.

Kristen said...

He is so precious Stacia! I just realized he has the same initials as Carl! Carl Michael Jenkins. Same middle name - it's a good one! Hehe. Y'all are so blessed, what a beautiful family!

Amber said...

He's so handsome!

mrsofficer said...

Congrats such a handsome boy!I love the one with his eyes open. And the name is way cute all my kids are cm or km lol he is tooo precious. Enjoy this glorious moment, its such a blessing xoxo Mrsofficer, michelle

Anonymous said...

He's adorable! And your family photos are precious. Congrats & Welcome to the world Collin.