June 2, 2010

Strawberry Patch

Hailey got sick the night before her Kindergarten class was to go on their ONE field trip of the year.  They were heading out to the Strawberry Patch in Reynolds, GA.  We went there last year and it was a great place with awesome strawberries!  Needless to say Hailey was devastated that she missed it so we promised her a private trip!

The strawberries that you pick are so sweet and RED on the inside… now when I buy them in the store (even Publix) it doesn’t compare. They are all white and snowy.  Too bad you can’t pick all through the summer, our season ends in May.

 Strawberry Patch IMG_6890 IMG_6892 IMG_6893 IMG_6894

They had lots of fun making up Hailey’s field trip.  Darren took them for some Daddy bonding time!  Mommy always loves that!! IMG_6895


Amber said...

I love that the kids are in red, I'm sure you didn't plan it but it made for great pictures.

Can you believe that you are going to have a third baby VERY SOON! Wish I was there to fold your laundry, cook you dinner and possibly hold a new little man...that is if your mom wasn't in the way.

Stacia said...

LOL!! I did put them in red on purpose :)

And No I can't believe there is going to be a baby here soon, but I am so ready to not be pregnant anymore!

SuzyQ said...

I always love pictures at a strawberry patch. They look so bright and cheery! I hope you have a quick and easy delivery.

Dawn said...

Yeah, I wondered if you dressed them in red on purpose and I figured you did! So matchy! :D

Kristen said...

I Love all the pictures!

Susan said...

They look cute all in red! I'm sure you're about ready to pop little mommy!