October 6, 2010

The Tooth Fairy came to our house!

So before I get to our exciting news here are a few ‘Sunday Morning’ pictures.  In honor of Fall we all wore brown to church last week! Perfect for getting a picture together.

Baby looks like a stiff board in this one! He loves to stand up.IMG_7563 editIMG_7564 edit IMG_7566 edit   IMG_7565IMG_7567  Hailey FINALLY lost her first tooth!!  She’s three months shy of being 7, but one finally came out!! She was so excited. Pulled it out herself at school, during circle time so that she had the most attention as possible!!1st lost tooth! I was caught off guard and quickly whipped up this pillow for her to put her tooth in (heart pocket).  She helped me and loves it.  The tooth fairy came and left $2.  IMG_7576 edit


Amber said...

The pillow was a REALLY smart idea. I hate having to search underneath their pillows while sleeping!

Love the group pics in brown--kids look cute! I'm glad that I'm not the only one that color coordinates my kids.

Kim said...

Hi! Just visiting your blog again and I got to say I totally LOVE the clever pillow you made! Love the design too!

Beth said...

That is a great pillow! You need to start using your self timer and take a family picture!

Amber said...

I keep looking at the picture that is the second one down. Collin's smile reminds me of someone in your family, but I can't figure out who. It's driving me nuts.

Unknown said...

Yay for Hailey!!!! I'm impressed that she pulled it herself & love the pillow!