February 19, 2011

Florida Trip

Jack has PACT day each month at school where the parents are invited to come in for an activity.  Collin was enjoying story time with his big brother.Collin visiting Jack's classOkay… now not so much!IMG_7974They made bird feeders out of rice cakes and peanut butter.making bird feedersIMG_7976IMG_7977Collin took his first trip to Florida at the end of January.  My Memaw passed away and we all went down for her funeral.  On the way down we stopped for a snack…. Papa got to feed baby some ice cream.Ice Cream stop/ 1st FL tripGot Dairy-Queen?ice cream mustacheTime to clean up that messIMG_7983IMG_7984We spent lots of time out at my cousin Wendi’s house.    Hailey and Jack had a blast playing with her two kids.  Blake and Bailee are 4yrs. old.  Hailey also discovered Just Dance and LOVED it!!Just Dance at Blake & Bailee'sIMG_7986IMG_7987Blake and Jack (who never took off the Buzz Lightyear wings!)Jack and BlakeIMG_7989Aunt Jackie, Collin, and Ms. BaileeAunt Jackie, Bailee and CollinIt was too cute watching them!!IMG_7992IMG_7993

My three and Hayden playing together during the viewingPlaying with HaydenIMG_7996

This is one of my favorites of Memaw with Hailey (2008)…. we were celebrating her birthday and Hailey had helped make her cake.  Picture 591


Unknown said...

Great pictures! I'm so sorry for your loss!

Amber said...

I can't believe sweet Collin made that face in the second picture!

Beth said...

I'm sorry about your grandma....that really is a great picture of them 2.