He needs a dresser and some other toy holder thingy

Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!!
How old will you be on your next birthday??
A place you would like to travel:
Your favorite place:
Your favorite thing to do:
Your favorite food/candy:
Favorite Animal:
Favorite Color:
The town in which you were born:
The town in which you live:
The name of a past pet:
The name of a current or past boy/girl friend:
Your nickname/screen-name:
Your middle name:
First job:
Your grandmother's name:
Favorite song:
I tag: Amber, Dawn, Sarah, Andrea, Tabby, Jeanette, and Shannon
Okay....this is the living room. The fire place is growing on me. The morter is so dark but I'm getting used to it. We've already changed out the old screen and when it's not the only thing in the room to look at it's not so BOLD :-)The Dinning Room is off the back of the Living room and that is the door to the backyard.
Here is the kitchen. We had to buy a new fridge, it wasn't here in these pictures. We plan on getting a new dishwasher soon... I love the floors and the countertops are not white!! yea!! I could not stand seeing every tea spot or red juice spot!!
This is the breakfast nook. I don't have a breakfast table so right now it's just space for us.
Okay people...remember this house was built in 1977! Here is my retro blue bathroom :-) So far everyone that has come over likes the floor! But I think the toilet and counter/sink are going to have to go...along with the blue tub!
This is our master bedroom...the kids rooms are a good size too. I'll just post a picture of their's once they get all cute :-) By the way...remember these are not my curtains :-)
And last but not least.....the Harvest Gold master bath!!!! Can we say GROSSE?!?! Oh well, the rest of the house makes up for the bathrooms and we like projects and these will be two big ones!!
This is a shot of the right side of the back yard. Those two trees are the ones the kids love to climb!
Here they are like 5 min. after getting in the backyard! Already in the tree!
Jack thinks this is sooo cool!
Hailey has already spent hours just exploring her new little world out there! She just loves it. She is my little adventurer. We kind of had to help Jack "climb" the tree....his little legs are still too short :-)
So I will post more as we get a little more done each day. Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!! We are already half way to the weekend!! Oh and did I tell everyone the Darren took two weeks of holiday time to help us settle in?!? I'm in heaven right now. I mean.... I can take a shower whenever I want and however long I want ....it has been great :-) He so can not go back to working nights, heck...he can't go back at all....but wait we have to pay for all this so I guess he has to!
Our other house is going well too. We had our home inspection today and things went well. They didn't find anything major so we should be closing still by then end of this month!!