Tonight I watched Sarah Palin accept her nomination to run for Vice President and her speech was great. I don't know very much about her, but I don't know very much about most of the governors or senators in our country. But after watching her tonight I feel even more confident in my decision to vote for McCain. I think it's great that our next VP could be a woman for the very first time!! I love that she is a mother as well as a career woman, and I mean mother in that she has A LOT of kids. Five of them!! My heart goes out to her and her ambition for children with special needs. Her youngest son has Down Syndrome and I have a very special cousin that is now almost a teenager that also has DS. She was the flower girl in my wedding and is such a joy to our family. It would be awesome to have such an advocate right there in the White House!! Not only for DS, but for all kinds of special needs. Her oldest son is also about to go to Iraq to serve our country next week! Darren has done 3 tours to Iraq and I have complete support for our military in what they are doing over there. Knowing that both our President and VP both have children over there would only mean that they have their best interest in mind...not just politics. Whatever you views are I just hope you get out there and vote!! Remember what our ancestors did to give us the right to stand up and voice our opinion. And look what's happening now...we've got a woman running for the VP!! How awesome is that!

Didn't she do awesome? I am LOVING her...her speech was got me so revved up that I still haven't gone to bed!
I thought her speech was fantastic. I thought she was sassy and strong, but warm and soft.
I had to make an entry into the baby journal.
I am right there with you on this one. I didn't get to see the whole speech, but I did see the last 15 minutes or so and I was VERY impressed.
I loved her speech too, I like that she's a bit sarcastic and funny, she's tough. This is all so exciting!! I too feel even prouder to be a mom, she's a mother of five!
The dems are running scared!! As they should be! They did not see this coming! McCain-Palin all the way!
I posted about Palin, too!
I'm with you... LOVED her!
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