We have had a busy week! I have been so tired at night and also excited that TV is starting to come back on that I haven't spent much time blogging :-) So Amber, this post is for you!! I'll catch everybody up!
Monday I took Hailey to her new doctor. He was great. She really liked him and he started her on a new medicine for her PDD-NOS. He said this will really help her anxiety and OCD. She has gotten worse with her OCD since school has started. (pulling out her hair and face/hand rubbing) I'm hoping that within about three weeks we will start seeing a change in her. If not he said there are other options.
Tuesday Hailey had two substitutes so I kept her home from school. I felt like that would just be too hard on her and the teachers to completely throw her off her routine. So she got to take Jack to school. They were having a rare morning of sweet sibling love...wanted to sit next to each other in the van and even held hands on the way in the school!! I so had to snap a picture!! I don't get these moments very often so I treasure them :-)

Finally on Wednesday she went back to school and did great. She had one sub but the para pro was there. I mowed the grass and then me and Jack did major grocery shopping. Fun! Fun! Then it was off to dinner and church.
Thursday I left the house at 8am and didn't come home till 4pm! I had a doctor's apt. Then went to the tag office to renew my tag (Happy Birthday to me). Then picked up Jack and went to lunch with Sarah, Ralston, and Riley. Then it was off to the bank and Jack's 3yr old checkup. He weighs 35lbs. and is 37inc. both in the 75th% for height and weight. He got his flu mist, a TB test that we have to go have checked on Sunday, a hemoglobin check, and he was supposed to pee in a cup. He had a little performance anxiety so I have to get him to do it at home and take it in on Monday morning :-)

So today was Friday!! Hailey had an awesome morning! She told me on the way to school that she didn't need a kiss and hug. I said okay...then I asked her if she thought she could walk to class on her own. She thought about it and said yes! She even wanted me to drive away while she was in the parking lot!! I told her I would wait on the sidewalk...after she went in I followed her in and her teacher was out in the hall waiting on me. (she knew I'd be coming in behind her!) She did great!! She was so proud of herself and told everyone in class how she walked all by herself!! I'm so proud of her!! So I headed home and cleaned the house and finished the yard work. Nana (Darren's mom) came over at 6pm to babysit the kids so Darren and I could go to my mom and dad's for my birthday dinner with Wayne and MeShaun. It was a nice evening with family....tomorrow night it's just the girls and I'll be sure to take pictures!!

p.s. My birthday isn't till Monday so this is really just my Birthday weekend! Darren is off so we are celebrating early :-)

You look so pretty in your cake picture! Thanks for the NEW POST!
You look beautiful with your cake.
I hope you have a wonderful birthday weekend!!
Wait until they're a little older and into sports and clubs. Every week will be that way! Where do mommies get their energy?
Happy early birthday.
You do look beautiful in that last picture! I'm so glad you posted! I was starting to worry about you! :)
Happy early birthday! BTW, I have a birthday card for you, but I haven't mailed it yet, so it might be a day or two late. :/
Love you and miss you!
by the way, i dig the new header!
Happy Early Birthday! What a great picture.
I hope the new meds help Hailey...I'll be praying about it!
Happy Birthday, Stacia! You look wonderful with your cake(btw, what kind of cake is it? It looks yummy.) Hope you enjoyed your night out. Love ya, Aunt Sue-Sue
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :D Love your Halloween theme!
I meant to leave you a Happy Birthday comment yesterday, but I got distracted. I'm sorry! I even TALKED TO YOU ON THE PHONE and DIDN"T MENTION YOUR BIRTHDAY! I'm a horrid friend.
We were eating dinner when I talked to you, Aric is back on days and now I'm getting used to having him around at night. As soon as you get used to one thing...!
I hope you had a fantastic birthday!
Looks like you had a really nice birthday. I meant to call you, but let the day get by and didn't. I was thinking about you anyway.
We hope Hailey's new medication will help.
Come see us.
I'm so glad that you had such a great birthday. The cake looks yummy.
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