March 10, 2009

A "non-brownie" Post...

I love when Hailey 'plays' Guitar Hero with her Daddy and I finally got a picture of her.  She got a Hannah Montana guitar for Christmas and whenever he plays she runs and grabs hers. I wish they weren't standing behind the couch, but they are still cute!Picture 136

She's using her "Star Power" in this one!Picture 137

We are also loving our extra hour of daylight in the evenings.  We went out today after dinner and played in the backyard. Picture 140

Picture 145

And look!!  The azaleas are starting to bloom!!!Picture 143

My little ones were feeling like sharing some dandelion seeds with our neighbors and making some wishes while they were at it!Picture 138

I love how their little cheeks  and hands look in these pictures.

Picture 139



Unknown said...

The dandelion pictures are adorable!

Amber Dupree said...

Oh, we LOVE guitar hero!! Conner is an expert :) The rest of us rock on easy.
I love the new pictures!

Tabby said...

Hailey and Darren are quite the pair with their guitars!! I love the pics of the kids with the dandelions. So cute!

And I'm glad you did a "non-brownie" post. I can't have that thing staring me in the face everytime I look at your blog! I'm trying to exert self-control! :)

Amber said...

Every time I see Hailey I just think about how much she looks like Darren. It's so cute to see her in the background playing with her daddy.

The azaelas are blooming here too. They are one of my FAVORITES.

Sarah said...

Love your title. Hailey and Darren look like serious rockstars. We'll have to play together again, now that I finally learned how. Your outside pics are adorable. Your kiddos look so sweet, and Jack looks so grown up. Has he had a growth spurt since I've been sick?