We were waiting in the credit union drive thru lane and a familiar song came on the radio. I haven't heard these guys in forever and I guess since there is supposedly a "comeback" in the works they are going to start playing their songs more. So anyway....The Right Stuff by New Kids On The Block...you know..."oh, oh, oh, oh-oh, oh, oh, oh, oh" I'm just listening away all the words coming right back from when I was probably 9 years old! And what do I hear?? My little Hailey in the back of the van singing all the little "oh,oh's" and "the right stuff!" I just had to laugh....I don't think I would have ever thought that my four year old would be singing a NKOTB song! I mean she love's Kelly Clarkson and Alicia Keys, but I never thought she'd sing along to these guys :-) Too funny!

NKOTB Rule! 4-Ever! I loved Joey! He was my favorite!! :D
Awesome! Jordan was my favorite.
I'm so excited!! Jonathan was my favorite. I actually haven't heard the new ballad they released. But apparently they played it recently on the radio here.
Jordan's the hottest!!!
Jonathan was my favorite too. I didn't know they were making a come back.
Did anyone ever like poor Danny?
I must be too old because I never liked any of them. But I bet you daughter was cute singing along.
You tell Hailey she is welcome to come to the beach anytime she wants!
THIS IS IMPORTANT! On my friend Tracy's blog, she had this posted, you'll have to go to her blog b/c she has videos on it:
I know we've all been waiting around to hear more information about the rumored New Kids reunion. Well ladies, tune in to NBC Friday morning. Yes yes yes. Our hunky boys from Boston will be on the Today Show Friday, April 4th.
Your 4 year old is a smart girl!!! :)
I was (I guess still am!) a huge New Kids fan back in the day. I was 15 and in love with Donnie :)
Tune in to NBC on Friday. Your 4 year old may want to watch as well!
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